web development


Launched new North American and Australian websites for a global inflatable boats company.


/ web development
/ digital advertising


Highfield Boats, a global rigid inflatable boats (e.g. RIB) manufacturer required a website to serve the increased needs of their customers in North America and Australia.


strategy & solution.


Highfield Boats requested Bare to build two high performing websites, where the content on both sites were going to be nearly identical. The only difference would be that certain features would be specific to each region, such as showing region specific models, and measurements in metric (AU) and imperial (NA).


The result was delivering two blazing fast Jamstack websites sourced by one single content management system. Both websites were deployed on two different domains specific to the local region. Deploying the site in this fashion not only made it easier to maintain two websites (where identical content would only need to be maintained once), but also substantially reduced running costs by not having to run two websites.


We also needed to keep in mind that both sites weren’t penalized by search engines for displaying the same content. In order to avoid any SEO penalties, we needed to ensure that only a single version of an identical page was served as the canonical source of content. This avoided any SEO penalties, and also enabled the sites to coexist on separate domains with high rankings without pentalty.

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